2010-03-19 18:44:38

Rebuilding the Church in Chile: A Sign of Hope

(RV - 19 March 10) A U.S. seismologist says Chileans will continue to feel aftershocks from last month's earthquake for a year or longer.

Walter Mooney of the U.S. Geological Survey predicts that in the coming month there will be 25 to 45 temblors topping a magnitude fo 5.0.

February’s quake devastated many towns and villages and damaged number of churches.

In response, the Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need is to erect 15 temporary chapels in parts of Chile where the churches are now unusable, including the areas of Concepción and Los Angeles.

We spoke to the Head of Press and Information at ACN, John Pontifex about how these structures are providing a ray of hope. RealAudioMP3

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