2009-11-14 13:39:01

“Biblical World -View Offers Dignity and Respect to Human Life”: Bishop of Bellary

(November 14, 2009) “The Biblical world-view offers equal dignity and respect to human life at all stages of growth. Christians need to communicate that Biblical-world view to the Indian society which is infested with evils such as casteism”, declared Bishop of Bellary Henry D’Souza. “The Holy Bible unequivocally declares that all humans are created unto the very image and likeness of God. Hence they have equal dignity imparted by the creator Himself and that dignity should never be undermined through violence and caste discrimination”, added Bishop D’Souza. He was speaking at the inauguration of “Bellary Christian Book Fair” on November 12, held at Hotel Rameshwari, Bellary, in South India. “The Biblical world-view needs to be transmitted to the fellow Indians through effective proclamation and life witness,” Bishop added. “Unbridled craze for power, widespread criminal behaviour and dehumanizing caste based discrimination are undermining the very sacred dignity and respect for human life. Such a situation can be undone only through respect for life and loving service to humanity”, asserted Bishop of Bellary. “It’s only true evangelization and a life founded on the life and teachings of Christ can bring honour and dignity to people who are subjugated by indignity and criminal injustice”, he affirmed. The book fair organized by O. M. Books has a collection of Bibles in various languages and a variety of audio-visuals and will conclude on November 15.

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