2009-10-12 16:37:48

Intervention of Mons. Egidio NKAIJANABWO, Bishop of Kasese (UGANDA)

H. Exc. Mons. Egidio NKAIJANABWO, Bishop of Kasese (UGANDA)

It has been mentioned many times in our discussions that we, religious leaders, should face our governments and protest against their bad governance. We have done it many times but we do not seem to be getting much success. When we protest, they sometimes criticize that we are interfering in politics and that we should confine ourselves to religious matters only. They think that we are supporting one or other of the political parties on the opposition. We should make it clear to them that religious matters include defending the rights of the people.
Mother Church, in her wisdom, has given us one way of showing that we are not talking politics when we criticize bad governance. In the Code Canon Law the Church forbids clerics to engage in partisan politics and to take up political posts. This would compromise our independence and freedom (Canons 285 and 287). The government and its organs will then see that you are talking as a man of God, defending the rights of God's people.
We are sent, like Jeremiah the prophet was, to speak out against malpractice. God said to Jeremiah: "Go to the people I send you to and tell them everything I command you to say. Do not be afraid of them, for I will be with you to protect you" (Jer 1:7-8).
Another way we could bring about a change is, as it has been said, to instruct our Christians more deeply in their faith and in the Social Teaching of the Church, so that they follow the teaching of the Gospel.
When they have become convinced Christians and they have also known their human rights, we then mobilize them at all levels; we target especially the Councillors (political representatives) on the local level and Members of Parliament on the national level so that together we try to eliminate corruption from our countries.
This should not be impossible, especially in a country which has a big Christian population. After all, many of the corrupt officials are our Christians.

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