2009-10-06 17:07:27

Intervention of Mons. Lucas ABADAMLOORA, Bishop of Navrongo-Bolgatanga (CAMEROON)

H. Exc. Mons. Lucas ABADAMLOORA, Bishop of Navrongo-Bolgatanga, President of the Episcopal Conference (CAMEROON)

Often we have political and economic roles and we must contribute to education and health issues in the light of one's faith. As an individual the Christian is coming from a distinct cultural background which may have some hard lines and it may be opposed to one's faith. Often the individual may find himself opposed by many factors, which as such do not allow him to do anything. It is obvious that the Christian belongs concurrently to the Church and society in its various dimensions. As such a multifaceted member with many fronts, he may sometimes find it difficult to know what to do and which front he should respect.
In the first Synodal Assembly we focused on the Church as the universal family of God. The Assembly set a number of conditions to add credibility to her witness: reconciliation, justice and peace. In this light it has therefore, recommended among other things: the formation of Christians in justice and peace, which is an assertion of the prophetic role of the Church. It touches on the following issues: a just salary for workers and the establishment of Justice and Peace Commissions.
The principles underlying the document Ecclesia in Africa stand out very clearly and have been quoted by many particular Churches as guidelines to their reflections. But particularly it does not touch the bottom of the matter. It is not the experience of many Bishops, priests and laity of Africa, who travel to the U.S.A. and Europe and some parts of the world. Our experience of the Church in Europe and America and even by some of our Brother Bishops and priests suggest that we are second class family members, or that we belong to a different Church. The impression is created that we need them but they do not need us. Theory of fraternity and community is strong but the practice is weak.
The dynamic of the Church which insists that the Church community be practically integrated in theory and practice in such a way that all belong and feel at home, should be continued even in this second synod. The present Synodal Assembly should consider it opportune to continue the dynamic of the preceding Synod. This is the case with not only the subjects to be discussed collegially but also the Christian perspective is required.
For this to happen, some suggest using the radio, the printed word and the new technologies of information and communication. Efforts should still be made to receive its message, which always remains pertinent and timely.

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