2009-04-07 15:27:15

Hospitals, health workers must be ready to face any emergency, says UN’s message for “World Health Day”

(April,07,2009): “When disasters strike - like the recent earthquake in Italy, or floods, infectious diseases or man-made disasters, such as chemical spills occur, well prepared, functioning medical services are essential,” said the message of United Nations Secy.General for “ World Health Day”, observed Tuesday, 7th April. Mr. Ban Ki Moon said hospitals, clinics and other health facilities, must react swiftly and efficiently to provide safe havens, and not become disaster zones themselves. Mr Ban also stressed that health care workers must get adequate training to be quick to help in emergencies.
To focus attention on these simple but important principles, World Heath Day has adopted as its campaign slogan, “Save Lives. Make hospitals safe in emergencies”. It is a global action-call for countries to work to prepare their health systems for emergencies. “We cannot prevent all disasters, but we can work together to ensure that, when they occur, hospitals and health workers are ready and able to save lives”, said the message of UN Secretary General for “World Health Day 2009.”

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