2008-12-13 13:12:53

Pope Benedict XVI Discourse at the Italian Embassy to the Holy See

(December 13, 2008) The singular attention shown by the Popes at this headquarters to report the diplomatic recognition of the important role it has played and plays the Italian Embassy, in intense and unusual relationship between the Holy See and the Italian Republic, as well in the relations of mutual cooperation between Church and State in Italy, said Pope Benedict XVI. He was speaking at the Italian Embassy to the Holy See on the occasion of his visit on Saturday, 13th of December. He warmly expressed of the double order of diplomatic ties, social and religious to be celebrated in February next year of the 80th anniversary of the signing of the Lateran Pacts and 25th of the amendment to the Concordat. He also recollected the historicity of the place that has received the visits of three Popes, namely, Pius XII, June 2 1951, Paul VI, on October 2 of 1964 and John Paul II, March 2 1986. The Pontiff added that this is a very important and significant in the world situation, in which the persistence of conflict and tension among nations makes the need for collaboration between all who share the same ideals of justice, solidarity and peace. Personally he appreciated their warm reception accompanied by a welcome musical interlude at his arrival. The Pope then expressed his gratitude to the valuable contribution towards the diplomatic mission in general, the Italian authorities provide generously for the Holy See, so that it can freely carry out its universal mission and maintain diplomatic relations with many countries world wide. Finally the Holy Father said that as the celebration of Christmas of the Lord Jesus approaches, he extended to the Italian authorities his greetings, starting with the President of the Republic, and to the beloved people of this great Peninsula. He concluded saying that the hope for peace would embrace all countries on earth, whether or not officially represented at the Holy See.

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