2008-12-11 15:00:25

Pope’s message for World Day of Peace 2009 “Combat peace, build peace”

(Dec.11,2008):- “Combat poverty to build peace” is the theme of Pope Benedict XVI’s message for the World day of Peace 2009. The message was released during a Press Conference on Thursday. The Catholic Church celebrates this day annually on January 1st. “The tragic drama of misery that tramples the rights of hundreds of people, thus favouring or encouraging conflicts is binding on the conscience of humanity,” says the Papal message, and urges changes in the lifestyles, models of production and consumption, and the established structures of power that now govern society.
We must change the mentality that looks on the poor as a burden and a nuisance. We must look to the poor as part of a single Divine plan and seek to build a united family,” says the message. It denounces an increase in the gap between the rich and the poor, the current food crises, characterized not so much from the lack of food but because of difficulties of access to it, due to speculation . It criticises the increase in military spending that threatens to accelerate the Arms race leading to further underdevelopment and despair.
The Pope’s message also notes the negative repercussions of a financial trading system that does not consider the common good and is dangerous for everyone, even for those who can benefit during difficult financial times.The message notes the technology gap, the exclusion from global trade and the rising prices that increase even more the gap between the poor countries, particularly in Africa.
Concern was also expressed by the Papal message for the increase in pandemic diseases, such as malaria, tuberculosis and AIDS. Regarding AIDS, the Pope urges campaigns to educate the young on the dignity of the human persons, especially in the field of sexuality. Initiatives taken in this field have yielded significant results, notes the Papal message.
The Pope condemns birth control campaigns conducted even at the international level saying they are not respectful of the dignity of women, nor the right of spouses to choose responsibly the number of children. The extermination of millions of children in the name of combating poverty is actually the elimination of the poorest of human beings, says the message. It emphasizes that globalization should be guided by solidarity because nations alone cannot build peace. The Pope’s message calls for investment in the training of people to fight poverty as well as crime, saying “We need men and women who live in deep brotherhood watching in the poor the face of Christ”.

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