2008-09-06 14:06:38

Pope On Forming Faith in Nicaragua

(06 Sept 08 - RV) Pope Benedict XVI received the bishops of Nicaragua on Saturday at the end of their Ad Limina visit. RealAudioMP3

Pope Benedict had words of praise for the bishop’s close support and spiritual solidarity for the people of their nation. Speaking in Spanish he said their witness of the Gospel Truth is resplendent in their fight against poverty and inequality, both pervasive problems in central America’s largest nation.

The Pope highlighted the bishops efforts to create a “climate of dialogue and distension between religious and civil authorities” in Nicaragua, “without ever renouncing their defence of basic human rights or failing to denounce instances of injustice”.

Although the majority of Nicaraguan’s declare themselves Catholic, practicing Catholics are declining, while evangelical Protestant groups and Mormons are rapidly growing.

To this ends Pope Benedict dedicated a large portion of his message to formation, urging bishops to closely follow the religious education not only of priests and religious but also of lay men and women so they too can be “generous servants and collaborators in the Churches evangelising mission”. He spoke of the countries many Catholic Schools and institutes which he said are an essential part of this mission and an of incalculable service to society and also spoke of that “popular piety” which he said is a lively and “essential part of Nicaragua”.

In fact a high point of Nicaragua's religious calendar for the masses beyond Christmas and Easter, is La Purísima, a week of festivities in early December dedicated to the Immaculate Conception, during which elaborate altars to the Virgin Mary are constructed in homes and workplaces.

“This popular piety goes far beyond passive tradition”, said Pope Benedict commending the bishops to constantly revitalise this source of spiritual wealth through renewed pastoral activities which illuminate the meaning of the inherent gestures and symbols, as part of God’s Salvific design.

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