2007-01-31 14:55:48

Social Doctrine Study Centers to Open in Asia

(Wed.31 Jan.2007):- Centers for research, study and formation in the Church's social doctrine will open in Asia as the fruit of the continental conference held there last week, the Vatican announced. The three-day conference held in Bangkok, gathered some 155 clergymen and pastoral ministers for the presentation and promotion of the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church. "It proved to be an exceptional experience of community and ecclesial friendship," said Cardinal Renato Martino, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, which sponsored the event in collaboration with the Federation of Asian Bishops' Conference. In his closing address, Cardinal Martino mentioned four areas in which the Church in Asia is challenged: - human rights, development, the environment and peace. Cardinal Martino said that the most urgent challenges for the Asian peoples must be addressed in the light of the intangible dignity of the human person, of the common good, and of solidarity. A dicastery communiqué explained that the cardinal's reflection focused on the millions of Asians who suffer discrimination, exploitation, poverty and marginalization. The promotion of the right to peace was also a key point in the cardinal's address. In particular, he lamented the phenomenon of terrorism and the increase in production and trade of nuclear and conventional weapons. "There cannot be moral tolerance of any military doctrine that approves nuclear armament," Cardinal Martino said. "The enormous financial resources allocated annually to armaments must be directed much more to education and development, not to war," the cardinal added.

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