2006-04-28 14:45:29

God guarantees happiness and morality enhances freedom, Pope Benedict XVI tells Biblical Commission

(April 28, 2006) : “Proponents of secularism are wrong to assume a conflict between moral principles and human freedom. God is not an obstacle to happiness, as is often thought, but rather he guarantees it.” These remarks were made by Pope Benedict XVI as he met on Thursday with members of the Pontifical Biblical Commission at the Apostolic Palace, at the end of their annual session dedicated to the study of the relationship between the Bible and morality. “The primordial impulse of human beings”, the Pope said, “is their desire for happiness and a fulfilling life. Nevertheless, there are many today who think that such fulfillment must be attained autonomously, with no reference to God or to His law. Some have even suggested the absolute sovereignty of reason and freedom in the field of moral norms. The proponents of this 'moral laicism' affirm that human beings, as rational creatures, not only can but must freely decide the value of their own behaviour”. This false conviction”, the Pontiff continued, “is rooted in a supposed conflict between human freedom and any kind of law." However, "the law of God does not mitigate or eliminate human freedom, on the contrary, it guarantees and promotes it. Moral law, established by God at the creation and confirmed in the Revelation of the Old Testament, finds its fullness and greatness in Christ. Jesus Christ is the way of perfection, the living and personal synthesis of perfect freedom in His total obedience to the will of God”, the Pope said. Before his election as Pope, the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was president of the Pontifical Biblical Commission, in his capacity as prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. He has been succeeded by Cardinal William Levada.

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