2005-09-14 12:26:52

Vatikan: Cordes ermutigt Hurrikan-Opfer

Bei seiner Reise durch das Katastrophengebiet im US-Bundesstaat Louisiana hat Kurien-Erzbischof Paul Cordes den Opfern Mut zugesprochen. "Gott wird euch helfen, die Verluste und den Wiederaufbau zu bewältigen", rief der Präsident des Päpstlichen Hilfswerks Cor Unum den Betroffenen zu. Unterdessen appellierte der Erzbischof von New Orleans, Alfred Hughes, an die Katholiken in aller Welt, den Hurrikan-Opfern mit Gebet und finanziellen Hilfen beizustehen. 90 Prozent aller Kirchen und kirchlichen Gebäude in seiner Diözese seien schwer beschädigt oder komplett zerstört.

(adnkronos 14.09.05 hr)


Vatican delegation tours devastated regions of Gulf Coast

BILOXI, Miss. (CNS) -- Archbishop Paul Cordes, the Vatican's top humanitarian aid official, urged Biloxi Catholics Sept. 12 not to lose hope in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and assured them that with God's help they would "be able to overcome" the struggles they faced from the devastation. The archbishop, who is president of the Pontifical Council "Cor Unum," which coordinates charity efforts, was sent to the Gulf Coast region by Pope Benedict XVI as part of a delegation visiting the hurricane-devastated areas of the United States. He was accompanied by Washington Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick and Father Larry Snyder, president of Catholic Charities USA, for a three-day visit that included visiting evacuees in Baton Rouge, La., going on a helicopter tour of New Orleans and driving through hard-hit areas in Biloxi. Archbishop Cordes said his visit was "a sign from the pope that he'd like to be close to you and show his compassion."

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